Grow Virtue and Character in Kids, Read Wholesome Books

We don’t need to allow books in our homes that destroy the character and values we’re so earnestly trying to grow in our children.

Grow Virtue and Character in Kids, Read Wholesome Books

Adding wholesome, values-based children's books to your home library that you don't have to pre-read and vet is only made possible by Big Sky Life Books' strict vetting process.

We Need Wholesome Books Filled with Morals and Values

I love a good bookstore – and a cup of coffee while I browse. Once I had children, I gravitated towards the children’s sections hoping to find wonderfully wholesome books to build a home library for my family. I was looking for familiar favorites from my childhood as well as new ones to enjoy.

I quickly felt deflated and frustrated with the books on display. I didn’t need books to introduce bad behavior and attitudes in my home. Llama Llama mad at mama? Seriously? Even the famous Thomas the Tank Engine books had disrespectful attitudes. And more books seem to thrive on monsters/ghosts and scary storylines. The agendas being pushed through children’s books were even more frustrating. I remember looking at the books on display with a fellow customer who happened to be looking for the childhood classic – Corduroy. It was nowhere to be found.

Where were the wonderful stories I grew up with? Stories full of value and good character and wholesome adventure?

Curling up with my children and getting lost in a heart-warming adventure without worrying about suddenly having to adlib and change the content on the fly when something inappropriate pops up…that’s what I wanted!

The Local Library Does Not Have Wholesome Children's Books

Libraries brought about the same frustration. I couldn’t believe the titles on display at eye level for my vulnerable and innocent children. A library should be a safe place for children to roam and browse piles of books…it’s the place where we foster a love of books! Instead, I found myself looking at my child’s selections and having to tell them no.

We currently have a city library where we play with the train and kitchen toys – but we pick up books I’ve placed on hold rather than browse with the kiddos. However, there is a small-town library nearby where my children can browse and collect books freely. My son knows the difference in the libraries and prefers to visit the small-town library. He will find a collection of books and make himself comfortable as he reads them. Then he’ll come over and show me what he’s found and reassure me that he checked and the books he chosen are ‘pure’ 😊.

We are the gate-keepers to our homes and our job is to protect the minds of our children. We don’t need to allow books in our homes that destroy the character and values we’re so earnestly trying to grow in our children. Simply put – I don’t need books introducing ghosts and monsters to my child. No good comes from that. I don’t need books with children fighting or being disrespectful to their parents…even if they learn a ‘lesson’ at the end. I don’t need books pushing liberal agendas when we’re raising our children under biblical truths. I want wholesome – and there are plenty of wholesome children’s books out there if you look for them!

Start With These Wholesome Book Collections

Henry the Explorer Books

Henry the Explorer Books - Big Sky Life Books

Look at the Henry Collection – a little boy who packs a lunch and takes his dog along on fun imaginative adventures. He’s an only child and never complains of boredom or a need to be entertained. Every day is an adventure and he is an explorer!

Flicka Ricka Dicka Books

Flicka Ricka Dicka 7-Book Set - Big Sky Life Books

Have you heard of the Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and Snipp, Snapp, Snurr series? Books written almost a century ago filled with heart-warming stories of hard work, kindness and respect. These triplet children work hard and have so much fun together. There’s no sibling fighting or greed. These books are refreshing and reflect the calm households we all try to maintain.


Don’t be discouraged, friends! I launched Big Sky Life Books for the sole purpose of uncovering wholesome books for our children. Fill your libraries with treasures to enjoy year after year. Curl up with your kiddos and read good books every single day. We are your trusted source for wholesome books for children. Feel confident that books you purchase from our store are vetted and aim to help you grow virtue and character in your home. We are constantly adding fun collections so follow us on Instagram or through our newsletter.

Cheers to making memories with your kiddos!