Mess-Free Playtime With Kinetic Sand: Unlock Your Child's Creativity with Clean Fun

Mess-Free Playtime With Kinetic Sand: Unlock Your Child's Creativity with Clean Fun

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Your kids and grandkids will love Kinetic Sand. It is a toy that will never go out of style in your home. Kinetic Sand doesn't just feel amazing; it requires no activity setup.

You pull out the play tray with Kinetic Sand, and the kids will start playing with it. Did we mention that the sand isn't gritty? This isn't going to get in your children's eye like traditional sand will.

Don't forget to stock up before you get started. Check out our Kinetic Sand selection, we sell two-pound, five-pound and 11 pound bags of Kinetic Sand from our Big Sky Life Books store.

Kinetic Sand Keeps Young Children Entertained For Hours

No time to waste, load that truck!

Buy Kinetic Sand at Big Sky Life Books

Kinetic Sensory Sand Products

We sell 2lbs, 5lbs, 11lbs pound bags.

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Kinetic Sand Keeps Older Children Occupied for Hours

An army on the move! No problem, older children are only limited by their imagination.
Go back in history and recreate important events. All you need is Kinetic Sand and your imagination.
Man the cannon!
Soldiers getting ready for battle!

Buy Kinetic Sand from Big Sky Life Books


Kinetic Sand is non-toxic and for children ages three and up.

Kinetic sand is 99% sand and 1% silicone. The sand has been coated with a compound that makes it soft and crumbly but keeps its shape when squeezed. This makes Kinetic Sand fun for kids (and parents) to play with.

  • It's a sand-like substance that is easily moldable.
  • It's sand made to stick to itself.
  • It's an indoor product.
  • It's non-toxic (No nuts or peanuts).
  • It won't leave residue on your hands.
  • Clean-up takes minutes

Kinetic Sand Compared to Traditional Materials

Dry rice, moon sand, play dough, cloud dough, or even living sand make a mess that parents want to avoid. Kinetic Sand sticks to itself but isn't sticky. When you play with Kinetic Sand in a play tray or on a flat, hard surface like a table, it's effortless to clean up.

What is Kinetic Sand?

Kinetic Sand is made from natural sand. Kinetic Sand is 99% sand and 1% silicone.

It has the following ingredients:

  • Wheat
  • Gluten
  • Casein

Does Kinetic Sand contain nuts or peanuts?

Kinetic Sand does not contain any nuts or peanuts. However, the manufacturer of Kinetic Sand cannot guarantee that it was produced in a peanut-free environment.

Is Kinetic Sand non-toxic?

Kinetic Sand is non-toxic.

Kinetic Sand has passed all required testing as well as Spin Master’s own internal testing program which goes above and beyond any legal requirements. 

Benefits of Kinetic Sand for Kids

Parents and pediatric occupational therapists love Kinetic Sand because it helps children improve their developmental skills in a fun and creative way.

  1. Improves fine motor development
  2. Calming experience
  3. Boosts creativity
  4. It can be used in group play
  5. Unstructured play
  6. Relaxing activity

It has been well-documented how Kinetic Sand plays a vital role in developing young children's creativity and imagination.

Parent's Peace of Mind: Mess-Free Sand

  1. Mess-free: Kinetic Sand is mess-free and keeps your house organized while keeping the kids busy.
  2. Educational: The studies are in; educators, therapists, and parents all agree that kinetic Sand is amazing.
  3. Durable: This is one toy that children will never get tired of. Children can play with Kinetic Sand for years, and it won't break down.

Practical Tips for Parents

You will love how easy it is to clean up with Kinetic Sand.

What would you do if your child ate Kinetic Sand?

Kinetic Sand is non-toxic; small amounts should usually pass through the system. Kinetic Sand is not appropriate for children under 3 years old.

How do I clean up my Kinetic Sand?

Kinetic Sand is easy to clean up because it sticks to itself and nothing else. Form a ball of sand and dab the remaining sand with the ball to pick it all up!

I think my Kinetic Sand is drying out. Is that possible?

Kinetic Sand does not dry out; it's probably just the humidity affecting it. Add a couple of drops of water with an eyedropper, and it will return to its original state.

What happens if my Kinetic Sand gets wet?

Don’t worry if Kinetic Sand has gotten wet; spread it out on a flat surface to dry, and it will return to its original state.

Creative Play Tips

Kinetic Sand offers unlimited activities for children to explore:

  • Make 3-D shapes - Mold Kinetic Sand into a sphere, a brick, or any other 3-D shape your child’s hands can fathom.
  • Design patterns - Using shells, nuts, cardboard tubes, and more, your youngster can create patterns in the sand and fine-tune motor skills.
  • Play with your food - Kids can “bake” with kinetic sand by shaping it into ingredients and mixing it by hand in a bowl.
  • Go on a treasure hunt - Bury a variety of items in the kinetic sand and let them see what they can find. Younger kids can dig with their fingers to see what turns up; 
  • Explore the moon's surface - While learning about planets, drop by the moon's surface to explore for a while.
  • Construct an ant hill - Add plastic ants to Kinetic Sand to create a mound of busy activity. Use it to learn about how ant colonies work or have fun playing with the ants.
  • Engineer with building blocks - The unique properties of kinetic sand make building with it special fun. Combine it with plastic building blocks for an early learning STEM challenge.
  • Setup a racetrack - Try sculpting sand into the ultimate racetrack for toy cars and trucks. Use cardboard and blocks to create bridges and tunnels, and accessorize with other small toys.

Make history come alive. Older children will enjoy playing with soldiers and recreating battles and other interesting historical scenarios.

  • Recreate battles with toy soldiers - Add toy soldiers to Kinetic Sand to create battles and other history-related scenarios. It will make history come alive.


Kinetic Sand has been around for years. It is safe and non-toxic. Children and parents love Kinetic Sand. It's mess-free and provides endless hours of entertainment to children. We want our children to spend less time in front of screens and more time using their imagination and working with their hands. Enjoy Kinetic Sand with your family and watch your children and grandchildren play for hours, limited by only their imagination.